Eps Insulated

Our panels don’t have ribs due to their form, and with its double lock feature, it allows both the upper and lower metal to be clamped together. It has a more rigid structure since it is a Lanbiri system. It is preferred in cold rooms and partitions.


Panel Insulation Thickness: Min 40 / Max 150 mm

Fire Class: B1 (EPS)

Producible Length: Min 2000 mm / Max 16000 mm

Producible Width: 1000 mm

Metal Thickness Min: Min 0,40 mm / Max 1,00 mm

Insulation Material: EPS (16kg / m3)

EPS-insulated cold room panels are sandwich panels whose bottom and top parts are made of eps (polystyrene) insulation in the middle of the sheet metal. They are the most economical cold room panels used in the creation of cold rooms. It is light and easy to use thanks to its insulation being eps. It is produced in desired thicknesses, so as the thickness increases, the insulation values ​​change in an effective way.

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